Temporary Bridges Update #2: Weekly Review
The one-sentence takeaway: There will be very limited parking downtown on Main Street between the intersection with Merchants Row and...
Temporary Bridges Update #1
Here we go. Replacement of Middlebury’s deteriorating Main Street and Merchants Row bridges with temporary spans gets underway with prep...

Tasks & Timeline for Installing Temporary Bridges Downtown
I've been distributing the attached timeline to prepare our downtown community for the installation of temporary bridges on Main Street...
Selectboard Approves Short-Term Relocation of Downtown ACTR Transit Hub to South Pleasant Street
To prepare for this summer's installation of temporary bridges on Main Street and Merchants Row, the Selectboard at last night's meeting...

Environmental Assessment Public Meeting Held at Town Hall Theater
This past Thursday, May 11, the Vermont Agency of Transportation and its engineering partner VHB held a public meeting in Middlebury at...

MCTV Interview Offers Details on Temporary Bridges
This morning Betty Nuovo, Middlebury resident and long-time State legislator representing Middlebury, interviewed Brian Carpenter, Chair...
Addy Indy Article Updates Community on the Rail/Bridge Project
Angelo Lynn has written an informative and timely article on Middlebury's rail/bridge project that will appear in tomorrow's (May 8)...
Selectboard Supports Temporary Bridges Plan
At Tuesday night's meeting, the Selectboard voted unanimously to support the VTrans plan for replacing the deteriorating Main Street and...
The Challenges of an Eastern Rail Bypass
Recently the idea of replacing the downtown segment of the rail line with a rail bypass through the eastern section of Middlebury has...
FHWA and VTrans Ready to Release Environmental Assessment for Public Review
On Wednesday, April 26, the Federal Highway Administration and the Vermont Agency of Transportation will release for public review an...