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Temporary Bridges Update #6

Thursday Wrap-Up

Nicholson, the drilling contractor, completed drilling the six planned minipiles in the eastbound lane of Main Street today.

Kubricky closed Printers Alley to vehicular traffic in the afternoon. Printers Alley will now remain closed to vehicles for the duration of the project. Printers Alley will remain open to pedestrians. All drivers should now use the Middle Seymour Street entrance to the Marble Works.

Main Street Parking

Parking spaces on Main Street seemed to turn over more quickly today. Thanks to all who restricted their parking in the seven spaces north of the crosswalk connecting the P.O. to the Village Green and in the three spaces in front of the Community House to 30 minutes as a courtesy to others who need to get to the P.O. and elsewhere in town.

What’s on Tap Friday

Nicholson expects to grout the six minipiles in the eastbound lane of Main Street on Friday morning. Later in the day the entire drilling operation will shift to the westbound lane of Main Street. This will cause some congestion on Main Street as equipment is relocated and traffic is shifted to the south side of Main Street. Thank you in advance for your patience during this period. Traffic will still flow both ways, the 10 parking spaces on Main Street will remain available, and pedestrian access to all buildings will remain open. This pattern will be left in place for the weekend.

A Second Test Pit on Merchants Row

Earlier this week Kubricky successfully located the Town's waterline and sewer force main underneath Merchants Row. Kubricky has since discovered that there is a bend in the waterline underneath the roadway and they need to determine the precise location of that bend before drilling minipiles on Merchants Row next week. (The Town’s records of older infrastructure are incomplete so this detective work is necessary.) Kubricky will need to drill a second test pit near the center line of Merchants Row in front of Curve Appeal and Carol's Hungry Mind Cafe. This work will get underway at 7 AM Friday and will likely last through much of the day. During the operation, only one traffic lane will be open. Flaggers will direct traffic. Parking on the Village Green side of the upper stretch of Merchants Row will be cordoned off so that ACTR can pick up and discharge passengers out of the travel lane. Parking on Merchants Row in front of the Battell Block will be limited. The entrance to the Battell Block parking lot will remain open at all times. ACTR Leaves Merchants Row

Friday will be the last day on Merchants Row for ACTR’s downtown transit hub. As of Monday, ACTR will temporarily relocate to the west side of South Pleasant Street in front of the former Cole’s Flowers. A working group is studying options for a permanent location. Meanwhile, ACTR is expected to remain in this temporary location into the Fall.

Early Warning: Merchants Row One Way Next Week

The drilling operation is expected to move to Merchants Row in the early part of next week. During this phase of the operation, Merchants Row will be limited to one-way traffic in the eastbound direction. Drivers will be able to turn onto Merchants Row from Main Street and travel up to Court Square and South Pleasant Street. You will not be able to turn down Merchants Row from Court Square or South Pleasant Street during this phase of the operation. Normal traffic patterns will be restored once the drilling is complete on Merchants Row. I’ll have more on the Merchants Row phase of the work next week.

Waterline Shut-Off Update

Still no final date and time set for the brief shutoff of the Main Street waterline. I will post that information when I have it.

Thank you to all who have reached out to me this week with suggestions, comments, and support. Please keep your comments and questions coming. Send me an email at and I’ll cover it in my next update.

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