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2021 Update #9

April in Vermont

The Highlights

  • Progress in the parks

  • Rail platform and paving project updates

Last week I noted how our exceptionally fine early Spring weather was benefiting the pace of construction downtown. This week, not so much.

Still, as we’ve seen during the past three construction seasons, Kubricky and its subcontractors adapt to weather conditions and keep working. That was the case this week as, April snow showers notwithstanding, construction continued to move forward in Triangle Park, in Printer’s Alley, and along the rail corridor north of Main Street.

Let’s begin in Triangle Park, where Waters spent part of the week hammering out two small sections of previously poured concrete to improve grading of the base on which the final granite pavers will sit. Weather permitting, that concrete will be re-poured on Friday and next week Landshapes will set those pavers in place.

That done, with the exception of one sidewalk panel on the Main Street side of Triangle Park and some finish work with pavement joints, construction of the hardscape in the lower section of the park will be complete.

Also next week, Kubricky will spread top soil and seed the green space in the upper section of Triangle Park, bringing the entire park close to completion. The Triangle Park fountain is being restored and will return to the park later this Spring.

Across the street in Printer’s Alley, Waters completed the new sidewalk that will connect Main Street and the Marble Works alongside the National Bank’s Duclos Building. That sidewalk will soon be opened to the public. For now, a temporary walkway of compacted gravel remains in place.

Our first photo of the week shows Kubricky completing excavation for the retaining wall that will encompass the stone paver labyrinth at the bottom of Lazarus Park. That excavation required hammering out ledge so thank you to those who had to endure that insistent noise during the past few days.

Kubricky will next pour the concrete footings for the wall (you can see the forms in place in the photo) and then form up and begin pouring the retaining wall itself.

Our second photo, taken during one of Thursday’s snow squalls, shows Kubricky starting to grade out the upper section of Lazarus Park. This will allow Landshapes to begin setting in place the ashlar blocks that will define the edges of the ADA-accessible sidewalk that will run through Lazarus Park connecting Main Street and the Marble Works. Waters can then form up and start pouring the sidewalk panels.

You’ve seen this many times by now, but I’m including below the Lincoln Brown illustration to will help you visualize these elements of Lazarus Park.

In other activity, Waters extended the new granite curbing up past the Post Office crosswalk alongside the Town Green and ECI began work forming up the north cap walls. You can see them working up along the Marble Works side of the rail corridor in our final photo of the week. (Lazarus Park will sit to the left of the cap wall.) Concrete work will get underway as the weather warms up next week.

Other Construction News

Work on the Amtrak Rail Platform project began as planned this week and then came to a temporary halt as excavation for the platform’s footings unexpectedly uncovered a ductile iron pipe of unknown provenance in the railroad right of way. VTrans and Kubricky are investigating and work will soon resume.

Also in start-up mode this week is the VTrans project to repave our downtown state highways.

As you’ve undoubtedly noticed driving Route 7 through town this week, the Hutchins crew has milled the sections of Route 7 between Creek Road and Cross Street and between Route 30 and High Street. Hutchins will continue milling on the north end and installing new stormwater catch basins before beginning paving. This work takes place overnight between 7 PM and 6 AM.

And finally, The Belden Company continues to make progress on the Court Street water main project, working north from Cross Street toward Court Square between 8 PM and 6 AM. The temporary travel lanes through this area will continue in place.

That’s all for today. See you downtown.

Please keep your comments and questions coming. Send me an email at and I’ll try to cover it in my next update.



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